Solve Common Pet Feeding Problems

Pets are great companions and bring so much joy to our lives; however when it comes to feeding them, things are not always so easy. A myriad of problems can soon turn pet ownership into real work! Does your cat wake you up at 3 am every morning demanding a snack? Or do you have a pet that will eat and eat until they vomit?… yuck!!!

Of course keeping your pet to a healthy weight is no easy task, even figuring out the proper allowance can be quite puzzling. If you have multiple pets it gets even trickier, separating allowances and food types is a never ending circus. Though automatic feeders can help with dispensing food portions, once the food is in the bowl, who knows which pet will eat it.

For pets needing different food types, or if one of them is on a prescription diet, it is even more challenging. For those with cats and dogs in the same house, you know all too well the difficulty in keeping your dog out of the cat’s food.

Well fear not! Here are some practical solutions that actually work!

(Hover mouse over or touch for solutions).

How to Solve 12 Common Pet Feeding Problems

Put SPECIFIC pet(s) on a weight loss DIET.

Separating food for multiple pets is a major challenge. Some vets recommend feeding in different rooms, but this soon becomes tedious and if one pet grazes, while another gulps. The gulper inevitably moves on to another bowl, often bullying other pet(s) in the process.

In this chaotic environment putting a specific pet on a diet is nearly impossible without help of technology. Standard automatic feeders are of limited use because though you can program the amount they dispense, if you have more than one pet who knows which pet will eat it or what fraction.

There are some feeders that use ID tags to control access with motorized doors that open/close in response to specific tags. Wonderbowl and Surefeed control access to a small (1 day) food bowl and suitable for single pets. However additional bowls are required for each pet, which can become very expensive. Also these simple bowls do not spread the food throughout the day and the allowance must be manually scooped into the bowl each day.

Wireless Whiskers can set separate allowances for up to 8 pets, allowing each pet to be put on a personalized weight control diet. In addition 5 Portion Control programs allow you to spread food throughout the day. The feeder can even automatically measure and set the allowance for each pet based on their measured feeding behavior.

Putting a pet on a diet is as simple as detecting its tag and changing their allowance up/down in easy 10% increments using the Adjust AutoDiet feature.

HOW MUCH should I feed each pet?

Pet food suppliers base their recommended allowances on the weight of your pet. Though it is a reasonable starting point, it’s a bit like saying you should eat the same as your friend. You know the one who eats like a horse without putting on a pound!

As for humans it is more complicated, factors you need to consider are: age, activity, metabolism, heredity and general health. None of these are accounted for on the food label and even your vet can only offer a nominally improved guess.

So how do you figure out how much to feed your pet? Well it’s all relative! You start from a reasonable baseline (it could be as recommend on the food label or even just a wild guess). Weigh your pet at the beginning and again after about a month has passed, and then based on the CHANGE in weight you can adjust their allowance up or down according depending on the final weight goal.

Of course during this time you observe to ensure your first estimate is not way off, your pet will definitely let you know! Repeat this procedure until your pet reached their perfect weight. Note for cats and small dogs weight should not decrease by more than one pound per month for safety.

Alternatively you can use a Wireless Whiskers feeder which measures how much each individual pet actually eats over a 3 day period. It then calculates separate allowances based on each pet’s demonstrated feeding behavior, not a one size fits all table.

Thereafter, periodically weigh your pet and simply adjust the allowance up or down in easy 10% increments using the Adjust AutoDiet feature until your pet reaches their perfect weight. This takes all the hard work and calculations out of the process.